About the Journal
The International Journal of Computing and ICT Research (IJCIR) is an independent biannual publication of Makerere University. The Journal's focus is to highlight new research developments, experiences and best practices in the use of information and communications technology (ICT) across Africa. The Journal publishes papers in computer science, computer engineering, software engineering, information systems, data communications and computer networks, ICT for sustainable development, and other related areas.
Submitted work should be original and unpublished current research in computing and ICT based on either theoretical or methodological aspects, as well as various applications in real world problems from science, technology, business or commerce.
Short and quality articles (not to exceed 20 single spaced type pages) including references are preferable. The selection of journal papers which involves a rigorous review process secures the most scholarly, critical, analytical, original, and informative papers. Papers are typically published in less than half a year from the time a final corrected version of the manuscript is received.
Authors should submit their manuscripts in Word or PDF to . Manuscripts submitted will be admitted subject to adherence to the publication requirements in formatting and style. For more details on manuscript formatting and style please visit author instructions page. The main areas include but are not limited to:
The topics of interest will include, but not limited to the following:
Discrete and Continuous Optimisation
Grid Computing
Parallel and Grid simulations
Distributed computing
Cluster Computing
Parallel computer architectures
Shared-memory multiprocessors
Multi-computers and distributed processing
Fault-tolerant computing
Applications and performance analysis
Agent Based modelling
Expert and Intelligent Systems
Expert Systems
The topics of interest will include, but not limited to the following:
Component-Based Software Engineering
Software Architecture
Web Services
Software process assessment and improvement
Organizational and business views to process improvement
Value-based software engineering
Quantitative models for development processes and products
Distributed software development and virtual organizations
Process modeling, composition, and enactment
Open source software and software quality
SPPI standards
Agile development
Improvement through software reuse
Verification and validation
Reviews and inspections
SPPI approaches for dependability, safety, security, or usability
The topics of interest will include, but not limited to the following:
Business Process Management in Organisations
Work flow systems
Systematic Dynamics Modeling
Research in Dynamic Systems
Methodologies, Models and Tools for IS Development
Philosophical foundations of Information Systems
Trans-disciplinary research in Information Systems
Research Methods in IS in Developing Countries Ontologies Applications
Information Systems: Tools, Technologies and Techniques
Information Systems and Mobile Computing
Human Computer Interface
Distributed, Mobile and open Architectures
Geographic Information Systems
Decision Support and Simulation
Simulation in Support for Decision Making
Information Visualisation and Decision Support Systems
African information Systems Paradox
The topics of interest will include, but not limited to the following:
Internet Services/Applications
Network Control and Management
Quality of Service in Networks
Intelligent Networks
Data Traffic Engineering
Networked Databases
Data Communication networks
Wireless/Mobile/Satellite Networks
Cable Broadband Technologies
Mobile and Pervasive Computing
Streaming Networks
Telecommunication Policies
Optical Communication Networks
Network Performance
Network Architectures
Terabit Optical Technologies
Wireless Multimedia Applications
DSL Technologies
Network Processing
Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs)
Sensor Networks
Security/Reliability/Dependability of wired/wireless networks
Network Interoperability
Multimedia Communication over IP Networks
Voice over IP
The topics of interest will include, but not limited to the following:
Anonymity and pseudonymity in business transactions
Business architectures and underlying infrastructures
Common practice, legal and regulatory issues
Cryptographic protocols
Delivery technologies and scheduling protocols
Design of businesses models with security requirements
Electronic cash, wallets and pay-per-view systems
Enterprise management and consumer protection
Intellectual property and digital rights management
Intrusion detection and information filtering
Languages for description of services and contracts
Management of privacy & confidentiality
Multimedia web services
New cryptographic building-blocks for e-business applications
Online transaction processing
Public administration, governmental services
P2P transactions and scenarios
Real-time Internet E-Services
Reliability and security of content and data
Reliable auction, e-procurement and negotiation technology
Reputation in services provision
Secure process integration and management
Smartcard technology
Transactional Models
Trust and privacy issues in mobile commerce environments
The topics of interest will include, but not limited to the following:
Computer architecture
Digital design
Parallel vector and media processors
Embedded processors
VLSI design
Computer arithmetic
Low power designs
Reconfigurable processors,
Feed forward neural networks (threshold logic)
Memory and logic testing
Design for testability
Backend compilers
System software
Software for automatic synthesis
Performance and software tools
Hardware software co-design
Software simulators
Code instrumentations and performance enhancement tolls
Design space exploration software for computer architectures and
Machine organizations
Placement and routing algorithms
Physical design
Binary translators.
Computer architecture for Network processors,
Interconnection networks
Internet and web processing,
Mixed optical/electronic switches,
Distributed processing,
Ubiquitous (i.e., anywhere and anytime) and unobtrusive (i.e., without much user intervention) communication environments.
The topics of interest will include, but not limited to the following:
ICT and Gender
ICT in Poverty Eradication
ICT and health
ICT and Education
ICT and Commerce
ICT and Governance
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